Stress Management with Tyro-serene

Stress Management with Tyro-serene

Stress is a very common trigger for many people and is one of the most common that can lead to relapse.

We are all worried about paying bills doing taxes or our children and these can lead to unnecessary burdens on our cognitive processes in our brain.

The amazing thing is Tyro-serene actually helps with stress!

There is actually a scientific review article out there that brings this to light. Check it out if your curious: 

Jongkees, B. J.; Hommel, B.; Kühn, S.; Colzato, L. S. Effect of Tyrosine Supplementation on Clinical and Healthy Populations under Stress or Cognitive Demands—A Review. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2015, 70, 50–57.
The results of this review indicate that Tyro-serene does benefit when you need to destress in the short term. The short term is different for everybody so play around with it when you take it. It could take an hour or up to four hours for your mood to change so kick it in the butt quick. 
Good luck managing your stress! I hope you can use Tyro-serene just like I do to manage it. 
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